Art credit to Allison Gilsrud.
It’s one of those days…again. These happen every so often.
It’s 2:30 in the afternoon and I’m still in my sweats with no make up on. I did brush and curl my hair this morning.
But that is it. Some days there’s just so much to do. Stuff I don’t want to do. I don’t want to get the Christmas stuff out. Well, I do, but I don’t. I could wish I had my magic witch’s wand and could make it all appear.
Just like that. Tree up. Lights on. Bulbs on. Ribbon. Boy it’ll look fantastic. In my mind. It would be great..The trees out front would have their lights on them, too. And the front hedge, and the deck, and the star would be hanging, and …
Here I sit. It’s one of those days.
I had my cup of coffee, ate my Honeycrisp apple, read my emails. One of my friends is facing surgery in the morning. Today is the ‘day before’ day. Nerves. Another couple is moving back north. We’ll miss them. It’s one of those days.
Had to hunt for the cat this morning, too. She was on the bed next to me as I was unpacking the suitcases from our trip to Minnesota. We just got back yesterday. So I needed to unpack those suitcases. Banjo, the cat always supervises. The next thing I knew, she was gone. She was on the bed next to the clothes I’d pulled out of the suitcase. Then she was nowhere to be found. We looked everywhere for her. Checked under the beds, checked the closets (she likes to hide in the back under the hanging clothes), and my husband even checked the garage, just in case. Then I happened to think about what I’d been doing when she disappeared. I was putting his sweaters in the armoire. I went back to the bedroom, opened the doors and heard the little mew. She was ready to come out! She was so contented, though. Of course, she’d had a good portion of an hour in the dark, on a comfy, warm sweater, behind closed doors, with the world shut away. What’s not to love? I could identify with her. It’s one of those days.
Then I skimmed Facebook. Did you know: “If you’re not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you’re determined to learn, no one can stop you”? And I can buy pee-proof underwear, and they’re life-changing! And Morgan Freeman is telling everyone they will regret it forever if they don’t try this simple, free puzzle game to improve memory. Someone says I will receive a miracle in the next hour, if I type “Amen”. Several posts related to one side or the other of politics want to know if I Agree. There are many lost dogs and cats, and an equal number of found dogs and cats. There are a bazillion recipes for me to try. Yeah, right. It was time to move on. It’s one of those days.
Then I began binge watching, “This is Us”. It’s an interesting show. It can be somewhat of a downer…but an interesting one. Life. I like to binge watch shows. Fast forward through the commercials. Sit in a stupor and drink my coffee. Eat absentmindedly. It is one of those days.
My guilty conscience says I should be writing. I promised myself I’d have my second book finished by the end of the month. Guess that could take an all-nighter at this point. I know what I need to write. I’m close. It’s almost done, but, you know, it’s one of those days. I’ll get to it soon. Maybe later today…after I finish the wash, put the clothes away.
Yes, it’s definitely one of those days!