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I’ve had this image rolling around in my head for a couple weeks. Everyone keeps asking if there will be another book. I really don’t know, but THE WEDDING keeps popping up.
My two heroes Quay and Sam from the first two books are getting married. They must. And I can picture it. I began to write it down this morning, and Quay took over describing the scene. It’s just beautiful, down by the lake (Lake Superior of course), with all the family and friends from BCA in attendance. (Even Chip the golden retriever is there.) And Sam’s sister is there. She’s new. A little mystery there. And they have an older brother. (I didn’t know that, either.) But they don’t know where he is. Then something happens. I’m not sure what. Guess I’ll have to wait for that to happen as Sam walks down to met Quay on their wedding day. Should I continue???Gail

The Final Deception eBook SALE


Love a page-turner mystery? My latest book, The Final Deception, is on sale as an ebook today for $3.99. The sale continues until Feb. 7th with incremental increases in price each day to regular price of $8.99.
SHARE the news with friends!
Click the link below and select “2 formats and editions” to check it out on Amazon:

The Final Deception eBook Sale

When you’re done, do a quick review on Amazon!Gail

Need Something to Help Warm Up?

Too cold to venture out? Time to stay in and warm up! Grab a warm drink and settle in by the fire with this fast-paced, modern thriller. Set in southern Minnesota, The Final Deception, by Gail Lee Cowdin, is the second Quay Thompson detective thriller. BCA Detective Quay Thompson answers a call to investigate a murder at a Twin Cities highway rest area, when he receives a frantic call from a female suspect who had disappeared after a being wanted for questioning in a previous case. In a surprise twist, Sunni Hyun, swearing her life is in danger, pleads with Thompson for help and protection. With Hyun in custody, Thompson and his partner Samantha Atwood think they have things under control and head to a safe house in Southern Minnesota, but their world is turned upside down when they come under attack. Chip, a young golden retriever belonging to Sunni Hyun, becomes an important player as the BCA team is pulled deeply into the world of futuristic CRISPR research involving gene editing, international espionage, and murder. The BCA team works together in a race to stop more murders and the theft of critical research data by a foreign source.
“Started reading and could not wait to see what was going to happen next. Suspenseful throughout!” -D Steffen
Available on Amazon in paperback and on ebook.

Snow and Winter in Minnesota…Oh yeah!

Snow and winter in Minnesota…Yup! I know all about it….
The night rolled in silently. The sky was clear now. A luminous white, full moon lit up the frozen lake ahead of them. Tight, thick stands of pine, oak, and maple trees lined each side of the path leading to the lake. A trail had been cleared through the woods, not by nature, but by man. Several trees had fallen in chaotic angles off to the sides of the trail. Weeds and bushy branches spiked up in shining silver slivers that reflected the moonlight. They flourished in bushy spheres over and around the path.
Quay led the way from the house with Samantha following in silence behind him. The subzero night air etched their faces with brisk pinpricks. In typical Minnesota form, they had each ducked their heads into the collars of their coats, chins down into the neckline. Quay wore a dark blue parka that blended into the night. He’d pulled the hood up and forward over his stocking cap and pulled up the inside collar to shield his face from the cold. Sam pulled up the collar of her wool pea coat, and wound the fringed green plaid wool scarf around the collar pulling it tightly up over her nose and mouth. A dark knit cap covered her loose auburn curls allowing only her eyebrows and eyes to be exposed to the air. Their breathing pushed puffs of white air ahead of them.
“Damn, it’s cold!” muttered Quay. He looked up. Ice crystals circled in a blue arc around the moon. Not a good sign. Common lore was that ice crystals around the moon meant a storm was brewing.
“That’s not good,” Quay noted.
“What’s not good?” Sam looked up to follow Quay’s gaze. “Oh,” she said in understanding. “The moon, huh? Haven’t heard a weather report. Maybe a storm coming. What are we doing out here, Quay?” Sam’s voice trembled now as she shivered not from fear, but from the cold.