Meet & Greet at Grumpy’s in Gravette – A Treat!

Yesterday, I enjoyed the morning at Grumpy’s Peace, Love, & Coffee in Gravette, AR. If you have never visited Grumpy’s, I highly recommend you make the trip. A visit to Grumpy’s is a walk back into the 50’s and 60’s with posters and photos covering the walls (and ceiling) to reflect the popular music and movies of the time. The TV on the wall regularly plays reruns of “Leave it to Beaver” and other shows from that era. Add to that the great coffee and snacks!! And meet Larry Jones, the owner, who is usually relaxing in his recliner.

(Dr. Nancy Jones and Larry Jones, owner of Grumpy’s with me at meet & greet 12/16/23)

A visit to Grumpy’s is a treat for sight and soul. And Grumpy’s has appeared in scenes in my last two books, Dark Deceptions and The Spirit Tree Deceptions. It’s one of those things that I always say, “You just can’t make this stuff up!”

Thank you Grumpy’s for allowing me to visit with you and your customers and share my books with your customers.



Minnesota Meet & Greet & Signing Scheduled

Hey Minnesota folks…Just a HEADS UP:
I have just scheduled a location to do a meet & greet for a book signing of my newest novel, The Spirit Tree Deceptions, and having time to visit, too. This will be my only public signing this trip.
We will meet up at Davanni’s in Coon Rapids between 1-3 p.m. on Saturday the 23rd. Address is: 3430 129th Ave. NW, Coon Rapids, MN.
I have reserved the community room and you can order what you wish and visit a bit. (Their hot hoagies are our favorite, but pizza and calzones are also great!)
Just give me a heads up if you’ll be there. Looking forward to having time to visit and share my book!
You’re certainly welcome to join us even if you don’t want a book! It’ll be a Christmas treat to see everyone.Gail

Book Signing Success at Wishing Spring Gallery

The Book Signing at Wishing Spring Gallery on Saturday, December 9th was so much fun! Thanks to everyone who dropped in. Hope you enjoy meeting my hero Butterfly Silverfeather!
Isn’t the cover beautiful? So many thanks go to Rosie Floyd for her artwork and David Floyd for his AI work making the painting fit my plot. It is such a pleasure to work with you both! Thanks also to the staff at Wishing Spring Gallery! What a wonderful place to visit!!

Time for Christmas Shopping? New Meet and Greet Dates are here for Arkansas Readers

    It’s time to complete your Christmas list …

with a book or two!

Choose a book for the grandkids

one for a friend, one for a family member, and one for yourself.

All on Amazon. You’ll get them in time for Christmas.

OR see me at one of my scheduled December signings:

Wishing Spring Gallery, Bella Vista, Saturday, December 9, 12-4

Mockingbird Coffee, Jane, MO, by Community Bank,

December 15, 12:30 pm -2:30 pm

The Kick Off for The Spirit Tree Deceptions

The Kick Off for the Spirit Tree Deceptions  on December 1st was a success and well attended!  The entire supply of books disappeared and more have been ordered and already have readers waiting. Everyone enjoyed meeting Rosie and David Floyd who did the cover. Rosie did the painting and David did the AI adjustments to make the picture match the story I wrote. Thanks to everyone who joined us! T

Book Signing December 9th

The signings for The Spirit Tree Deceptions begin:

Wishing Springs Gallery in Bella Vista has graciously asked me to visit for a signing Saturday, December 9th, from 12-4. My friend and artist Rosie Floyd who created the artwork for the cover will join me. Books make a great Christmas gift! … and art included makes it better! Join us!



The Spirit Tree Deceptions: A Quay Thompson and Butterfly Silverfeather Novel is here!

At Last It’s Here! I’m excited to introduce you to Butterfly Silverfeather. She’s an amazing woman with an interesting past.

Get your copy at

The Spirit Tree  Deceptions will be available on Kindle eBook 11/20/23
The Spirit Tree  Deceptions paperback will be available beginning on 11/21/23
The Spirit Tree Deceptions hard back will be available beginning on 11/23/23

I will be setting up a book talk and signing schedule soon and will post it here and on  my Facebook and Instagram pages.

Gail Lee Cowdin continues her popular detective crime novels with the fourth novel in the Deception series with a riveting coming-of-age story. The Spirit Tree Deceptions: A Quay Thompson and Butterfly Silverfeather Novel journey begins with the Spirit Tree, an ancient cedar tree, on the shores of the great Gitch-Gumi and one young Anishinabee woman who realizes she is capable of making a transformative impact on the world she knows. When twelve-year-old Grace Memengwaa Byrd is introduced to the five-hundred-year-old The Spirit Tree, she is overpowered by cries, pleas, and unfamiliar voices calling out to her from the tree. It is her awakening.The story of her new life as Butterfly Silverfeather begins in northern Minnesota and continues to Northwest Arkansas. It is a tale filled with trauma, beauty, suspense, and a look into the beautiful culture and resilience of the Indigenous people.  Butterfly Silverfeather’s story is an exciting, action-filled, powerful journey spanning twenty years. This is a tale of kidnapping, greed, murder, power-plays, and numerous deceptions that propel one woman forward with her strong beliefs and perseverance toward a surprising, gratifying conclusion.

By the way, in addition to the story I’ve written, you will be purchasing a piece of art. The cover for The Spirit Tree Deceptions  is the work of artist Rosie Floyd who did the painting and  her husband Dave Floyd who “tweaked it” to make the picture represent my plot by matching the tree to the photographs of the Spirit Tree and adding the ribbon skirt on the young girl. I’m thrilled to collaborate with them and share their art and  with my written work.Gail